Friday, November 15, 2013

looking forward to today

Looking forward to today! Look forward to each day and see what joy it brings. I hope today to get in a little breakfast with the hubs and the little ( that's Peyton my 4 yr old, by the way ). Im thinkin a little school work for the little. We have been working on number and letters and so on. You know to get him ready for school. Some days it goes well, some days not so well, but that is the story for all of us I guess. Some days all things seem easier than others. Oh well, I think a craft for his work today might  be in order. Its cold out and we have enough frost to look like snow. So crafts it is! He loves to cut and glue. I guess thats his joy of school work and he does LOVE to CUT! I think if I had the papaer he would cut from morning till night! I'll give you a  pic later of what we accomplished. If you like let me know and I can post instructions.
Have a JOY filled day!

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